Remove any skin and fat from chicken thighs.
Wash chicken in vinegar and water. Cut chicken into medium-sized pieces and set aside.
Season chicken in a large bowl with all the ingredients except scotch bonnet, escallion, thyme, irish potato, carrots, and oil. Set aside to marinate for 2 hours or overnight.
Shake off some of the seasoning from chicken, then set aside. Heat oil on medium flame in a large pot and add each piece of chicken to the pan.
Turn chicken after five minutes, then cover pot to cook for 7-10 minutes.
While the chicken is cooking, boil some water and add to the leftover seasoning in the bowl.
Add water and leftover seasoning to chicken, then cover to cook for 15 minutes. Salt to taste.
Add carrots, irish potato, escallion, scotch bonnet pepper, and thyme to chicken, then simmer for another 10 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Remove escallion and thyme from the chicken, then serve with the desired side.